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SSC Members

Montclair’s elected SSC includes 10 members [the school principal, 3 teachers, and 1 school staff member (elected by their colleagues). 5 parent and community members are elected by school parents]. Under our current by-laws (Montclair SSC By-laws), SSC members serve two-year terms, except for the principal, who is always a member. The 3 Officers consist of an elected Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary from the elected member committee.

  • SSC members are chosen at the FIRST meeting in August of the new school year. Only elected SSC members can vote, however anyone in the broader Montclair community is welcome — and encouraged — to attend public meetings. Non-members are also needed for sub-committees and to help with community outreach, SELLS (Site English Language Learner Subcommittee) and the SPEDSub (Special Education Subcommittee). The SSC needs the insights and participation of the entire community. We especially encourage participation from people familiar with the needs of students who are English learners, Newcomers, foster children, students of color, in special education, or from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. 
  • Membership involves a 2 year long commitment to: engage at monthly meetings, attend district-wide training, and become deeply familiar with data, strategies, and goals for our school's areas of greatest need. Help us build an even stronger and more equitable Montclair!

More information on becoming a member of the Montclair SSC

Email SSC or Montclair’s Principal D.M.Kloker

You can also view more in-depth information regarding the SSC committee and their responsibilities:

OUSD School Site Council (SSC) Formation


No experience is needed; the District provides information to new members to learn about the role.